it's been a while. let's dive right in...
we are now only one week away from our New York City opening and things are getting crazy. but crazy in a good way. not like Mommy Dearest crazy, more like Robin Williams crazy...only with less arm hair. why so crazy? well, it has to do with the blessing/curse that comes along with doing a new piece of theatre - things are constantly changing. whether it be through some sort of improvisation, a suggestion of a company member, or a recent news item from US Weekly, every day i come to rehearsal i can be guaranteed of one thing: the play has changed. the positive spin on this is that we are able to take potential problem spots in the play and make them better. the downside is that its pretty damn difficult to remember what the last change was. sure yesterday i did a dance move that i'm pretty sure was cut 3 weeks ago. i did it well, though, and with a lot of panache.
speaking of dancing, did you know there is dancing in the play? quite a bit, actually. 4 dance numbers, 5 songs, and a boxing match.
here are some recent rehearsal pictures. i'll try to get some of the dancing and boxing tonight.
we are now only one week away from our New York City opening and things are getting crazy. but crazy in a good way. not like Mommy Dearest crazy, more like Robin Williams crazy...only with less arm hair. why so crazy? well, it has to do with the blessing/curse that comes along with doing a new piece of theatre - things are constantly changing. whether it be through some sort of improvisation, a suggestion of a company member, or a recent news item from US Weekly, every day i come to rehearsal i can be guaranteed of one thing: the play has changed. the positive spin on this is that we are able to take potential problem spots in the play and make them better. the downside is that its pretty damn difficult to remember what the last change was. sure yesterday i did a dance move that i'm pretty sure was cut 3 weeks ago. i did it well, though, and with a lot of panache.
speaking of dancing, did you know there is dancing in the play? quite a bit, actually. 4 dance numbers, 5 songs, and a boxing match.
here are some recent rehearsal pictures. i'll try to get some of the dancing and boxing tonight.
Atticus Rowe reading a trashy magazine.
he plays Theseus, my war hero father.
(left to right) Joey, Marissa, and Laura - the paparazzi.
Laura doesn't usually looks so pissed.
in the background you can see the
aforementioned Atticus and Kim, my step-mother.
Shoni, the director.
she is directing. and by directing i mean blindly pointing.
here's a really artsy fartsy picture of Atticus and Kim dancing. or something...
Are you bringing the play to Mahomet?
Hey, I was wondering if you could ask Atticus something for me. Did he ever go to a camp in NH called "Camp Wayaka"?
If so let him know Lucas said hi!
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